

Some of us wander through life continuously wondering what we should do with it. Having had the opportunity to work inside multiple Fortune 500 companies and visit many different countries, I thought it was a good time to figure this out. Given my background in software development centric organizations, I call this Me 2.0 3.0. The second third major version of my career. My goal is to consider my past experiences, expertise and current events to determine the “next next thing”.


Having worked in India and seeing the IT boom there, I realized we are in one of the most exciting times of humanity. People around the world are connecting and collaborating with each other to create new products, share best practices and empower individuals that previously had little opportunity. Participating in the development of these opportunities has been rewarding both personally and professionally. As I see this as the new game board, I hope to continue to participate in its evolution and influence its continued expansion throughout the world.

Related to my interest in international business development, I am particularly excited by the convergence of telecommunications and Internet technologies. The seemingly ubiquitous Internet allows all of us to enjoy many new ways to communicate and be entertained wherever we are. The world is now in our pocket. We are able to communicate in real-time with anyone in the world from traditional voice calls to Instant Messaging to social engagement. And I believe we’re just beginning to see some of the technologies that will be a part of our every day life. Today I can listen to my music on my phone. I can also connect to my music from nearly any device from my car radio to home stereo or even the TV in my hotel room.

Written in 2010:

Having had so much fun managing a small radio station in college and my experience with product development, I’d love to be a part of this technology’s creation. But these features will seem archaic in just a couple of years as location based services finally take off. I expect the next big boom in mobility to include access to anything, anywhere, anytime. And the reverse will be the same. Individuals will be able to make themselves available to a mobile fabric in life that will be invisible yet feel real. Our friends will know where we are (when we want them to) and be able to “bump” into us for coffee while we’re out running errands, or a potential business partner will be introduced virtually while grabbing lunch outside the office. Knitting these new technologies into our life’s fabric will take a gentle understanding of individuals personalities and insecurities along with careful prodding like a muse.


Having now seen much of what I envisioned become a part of my day to day life, I continue to be fascinated by how everything around us can become connected and intelligent. Having recently became a father, I realize that my daughter may never learn to drive as she’ll simply summon an autonomous car to her and nearly everything in our home and her life will coordinate itself with her schedule, interests and locations. I see most science fiction I grew up with becoming a reality in my life time and am excited to be participating in its development.

Read more in my bio or work history.

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